Best Rice Export From Pakistan

"I would like to have kept our full name, Khushi Ram and Behari Lal, rather than the abbreviation KRBL as it says of our history and our legacy,' recalls Anil K Mittal. "After all, there is much to the name." The famous Shakespearean phrase, 'what's in the name?' is of little to no importance in Anil K Mittal's world. Anil is the chief executive officer and chairman of India's largest Basmati rice producer, KRBL - the manufacturers of the highly acclaimed India Gate Basmati Rice brand, among many others. KRBL Since its founding around 1889, has gone far. It is currently its headquarters are in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, it was not when the company that was established. It was founded in Lyallpur in the modern-day Faisalabad situated in Pakistan. Back then the mills for best types of rice in pakistan were an element of their overall business strategy and the company also had interests in cotton spinning, textiles and banking. KRBL is the world's biggest rice miller and exporter. 

KRBL owns a 30 percent domestic market share and a 25% branded basmati export market share. It has two mills in Punjab as well as Uttar Pradesh, which have milling capacity of 195 tons/hour. For the fiscal year that ended on 31st March 2016, KRBL reported a total income of 3,594 crore, along with an operating profit of 334 crore. Over the last years, the company's capitalization has been growing at a CAGR of 86%, reaching 9,699 crore on March this year. The statistics are not surprising considering the company's brand and the lower price of raw materials, as well as higher price realization. It managed the company through numerous changes in its distribution channel which allowed them to expand and strengthen their roots in the domestic marketplace. 

They also successfully increased their international presence and helped reduce their financial risks. Anil has the ability to look back in time and remember how he joined the company in 1968, for the sole purpose of leaving an indelible impression on the businessmen of the family. After getting enough experience, Anil began his own journey. He bought a tender to supply the military with barley. Anil recalls this as the turning point of his life. KRBL was a full-fledged rice company in the early 1990s. In 2003, following a string of successful decisions and eventful years, Anil decided to take over a sick facility in Punjab with the name Oswal Agro Furane. It seems that the decision worked out to their advantage. Today, the plant can process about a million tons of best brown rice in pakistan every year. It can process about 7% of Punjab’s paddy crop at 140metric tons an hour. KRBL is now run by Anil, his brother and his daughter. KRBL strongly believes that the strength of a business is in its employees. 

Employees should have a fair shot to be entrepreneurs in their own fields, if a business wants to grow.One of the top agri-businesses, Olam International operates from the seed to the shelf in more than 60 countries that supply the raw materials and food for more than 23,000 customers around the world. With their global supply chain and huge market presence, they have successfully linked their smallholder and rice farms farmers to customers in all major rice-consuming country. Olam International, a producer of Mama's Pride rice and Chef's Choice rice, has started harvesting during its dry season of rice cultivation. For the process of harvesting 11 combined harvesters and a splitter harvest machine were deployed. 

"The high-tech machineries couldn't hinder the farms from inviting more than 600 seasonal farmers from host communities being involved in the process of farming", Mr. Pieter Nel said. According to farm officials according to the farm officers, the farm that is in dry season comprises of 3,000 hectares of a total of 12,920 hectares. The dry season rice farm is anticipated to produce up to 4.5 tons of rice per hectare which is over 30% of the national yield, which is between 1.3-1.8 tons per hectare. Olam International can credit the increased yield due to using the most modern farming methods including the more rigorous soil standards needed to grow top rice export from pakistani varieties. According to what Nel told, it was done as a result of a series of laboratory tests on various soil types. Another method was using airplanes to plant seedlings, applying efficient pesticides and fertilizing with quality fertilizers. 
